The Best Runs At Perisher And Thredbo Unveiled.
We can all relate to that moment on a powder day when we get so over excited and then freak out we're going to miss out on all the best freshies. Well, freak out no longer. I'm going to tell you exactly where to go when there's fresh snow, when it's a nice firm morning to carve the corduroy, or when spring hits and you want to surf the earth.

Perisher Powder Days
At Perisher on a powder day you have no shortage of options, but these are some of my favourite.
Depending on which way the storms hit I like to go to North Perisher and lap the T-Bar, it stays relatively quiet and the snow just seems to build up in amongst the trees there. There's almost always at least five more centremetires over there. North P is packed with heaps of fun hits to pop off, it's an absolute hoot when your mobbing deep with your crew.
Eyre is another great spot, full of stashes and deep powder. Again, it's a bit out of the way so it remains relatively quiet and is definitely a local hot spot. Underneath the Leichhardt Chair, theres heaps of trees and natural hits making it a really fun hot lap for all abilities.
Finally, Smiggins Holes, now don't be fooled this may be the beginner ski area but it actually rocks on a pow day. Smiggins is almost always sheltered from the weather, so when it's a whiteout or howling wind, this is where you want to be. There are heaps of fun hits between the Link T-Bar and the Dupy T-Bar. Hot tip; if you're up for it, on a good season there's a sick little cornice to skiers left of the the top of Link T-bar and it's sooo much fun!
Perishers Groomed Runs
Nothing tops Roller Coaster first thing. Oh boy, those rollers are too fun! After you've hit Roller Coaster head up the Ridge Chair and carve your way down Excelerator. Now that should keep you entertained all morning. Provided it's not too icey, Eyre also provides some fun, fast groomers.
Perisher Spring Riding
Hot tip; look for areas people have ridden in natural hits, there are often plenty over at Blue Cow and around Perisher Parks.
Thredbo Powder Days
Well, everyone knows Thredbo is where it's at when the snow is deep. I experience the same problem every powder day. Do I head straight over to Golf Course and the Bluff and starting popping of natural features? Or, do I head over to Cruiser and ride the boundary line of Powder Bowl? Either way, it's going to be deep, steep and fast. Don't forget to check out all the runs in between the T-bars. From Michaels Mistake all the way over to Kosci Chair there is plenty of powder to be found amongst the trees. Oh, and don't forget to catch the new Merritts Gondola up at some point and check out the beautiful view of snow covered trees on your way up.
Thredbos' Best Groomers
Thredbo boast the longest runs in Australia. So if you want to carve hard and fast then you want to start your day at the Kosci Chair and fang down Super Trail. Alternatively, head straight up Gunbarrell Chair from Friday Flat and carve your way down High Noon.
Thredbo Spring Riding
Cruiser is your playground. Not only does Curiser have a great intermediate park but has heaps of natural hits that get rode in during the season. There's a bit of a natural half pipe under the Cruiser Chair that makes for some seriously surfy fun come spring.

Well now you know all our secrets, we can't wait to say G'day on some of Australia's best ski runs.
Written by Ashleigh Bull